Inspired by an article by John Boxall for Little Bird Electronics I recently bought myself a Parallax Ping))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor to try out. This great little sensor can measure distances between ~2cm and ~3m in length.

Having already purchased a motor base previously I decided to have a go at making a basic roving platform that could avoid obstacles in its path.

Parts list

  • A Parallax Ping))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (source)
  • A 2WD miniQ Robot Chassis (source)
  • An Arduino Uno R3 with 1 Amp motor shield (any Arduino compatible board will work)
  • Spare switchable 6/12V battery case
  • Assorted spaces, screws and wires

The rig

Bonus video


The Arduino code makes the robot follow these steps:

  1. Drive forward until an obstacle is detected less than 30cm away from the Ping))) sensor.
  2. Drive backward for a set time and then turn left a small amount.
  3. Continue driving forward again.
  Parallax Ping))) ultrasonic sensor code from - CC by-sa-nc
  Connect Ping))) signal pin to Arduino digital 8

  Motor shield control functions added by Peter Wallhead.

  This example code is in the public domain.


int signal=8;
int distance;
unsigned long pulseduration=0;

// Assign motor shield pins that start and stop the motor.
int PWM1 = 5;
int PWM2 = 6;

// Assign motor shield pins that dictate motor direction.
int DIR1 = 4;
int DIR2 = 7;

// Set default motor speed.
int SPEED = 130;

void setup()
  pinMode(signal, OUTPUT);
  // Set pin modes to output for all those used by the motor shield.
  int i;
  for(i=4; i<=7; i++) {
      pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void measureDistance()
  // Set pin as output so we can send a pulse.
  pinMode(signal, OUTPUT);

  // Set output to LOW.
  digitalWrite(signal, LOW);
  // Now send the 5uS pulse out to activate Ping)))
  digitalWrite(signal, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(signal, LOW);
  // Now we need to change the digital pin 
  // to input to read the incoming pulse.
  pinMode(signal, INPUT);
  // Finally, measure the length of the incoming pulse.
  pulseduration=pulseIn(signal, HIGH);

void loop()
  // Get the raw measurement data from Ping)))
  // Divide the pulse length by half.
  // Now convert to centimetres. We're metric here people...
  distance = int(pulseduration/29);
  // Display on serial monitor (not required, but handy for calibration).
  Serial.print("Distance - ");
  Serial.println(" cm");  
  // Measure distance in front of sensor to nearest object
  // while driving forward in a straight line.
  if(distance > 30) {
  } else { // If distance is less than 30cm then reverse up and turn away.

void forward(int di) {
  analogWrite(PWM2, SPEED);
  digitalWrite(DIR1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(DIR2, HIGH);

void backward(int di) {
  analogWrite(PWM2, SPEED);
  digitalWrite(DIR1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(DIR2, LOW);

void left(int de) {
  int turn_length;
  turn_length = de / 2;
  digitalWrite(DIR1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(DIR2, LOW);

void right(int de) {
  int turn_length;
  turn_length = de / 2;
  analogWrite(PWM2, SPEED);
  digitalWrite(DIR1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(DIR2, HIGH);

void pause(int ti) {
  analogWrite(PWM1, 0);
  analogWrite(PWM2, 0);
  digitalWrite(DIR1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(DIR2, HIGH);
This is one of many Arduino projects I'll be blogging about so stay tuned and feel free to try out some of my code from my GitHub repo.